March Resolutions

 I think I have been letting my avid readers down of late. I know I am not posting as much as I should. I don't have any excuses except forgetfulness. I did just turn 57 you know. So even though I am in Maine as I write, I am going to save a Maine post for tomorrow and instead play a bit of catch up here. Celia, Ian, and Madeline came to visit us in Boston. It was one of those weekends where we put all of our crazy living situations through their paces. We gave the kids the apartment and we went to sleep on our new boat. Although we had moments of wondering what the heck we were doing, we ultimately gave our new boat plan a big thumbs up. But I will also say that the extra amenity spaces in our building came in very handy when there are 5 humans and 3 pizza boxes in 475 sq ft. We commandeered one of the living rooms and it was really nice that we all got a chair to sit in.


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