Silent Retreat

 I've often joked with Chris that I would like to go on a silent retreat someday. That someday must be now as I settle into the house all alone. I am mostly enjoying the sleeping and eating at odd hours because thats what suits me. But last night at 2am I was pretty sure that someone was wandering around. It was just the sound of snow falling on our metal roof.

Ok, I know I'm already slipping on my daily ebay updates. You're just going to have to be patient with me. I have moments when I wonder what the heck I'm doing. But I really believe that one thing will lead to another and for right now, this is the road I want to be on. I've had a steady 3-4 sales a day so I must be doing something right. Here are two pieces of vintage clothing I sold yesterday.


  1. Wow. I would have bought that belt. And Grace could have bought the robe for Franklin! Why are we missing out.


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