Things I've discovered
We never really knew how we'd use this Maine house when we bought it, but it felt instinctively right, so we did. I've always wished to have a bit more time here, so though I would never wish for this pandemic, I am grateful that I've been able to settle in and get to know this place more. And to get to know myself as well. Some things I probably already knew, but now I really know. Such as, I like routine and structure, and my energy is limited so direct it wisely. But some things have been new. I really like streaming a live yoga class with teachers I know from Boston which is enormously different than streaming a random youtube class. I have to show up on time, and I feel weird leaving early. But my biggest delight has been Maria's 8:30 am meditation from Cozumel. It happens at the perfect time after I've had my coffee and before I start my workday. Some days Jennifer joins too and Facebook lets me know that Jennifer is watching as well. And though maybe in the scheme of things that's a bit creepy of Facebook, I actually love knowing that Jennifer, Maria, and I are together for a small moment of our day.
Me too! Although I've missed it for the last three mornings.