Speech! Speech!

Last night Chris threw a going away party for Tanya and Aaron who are about to begin their sailing adventure*. We have a lot of affection for this young couple. I think partly because we admire their scrappiness and willingness to embrace the hard stuff. But maybe even more because they have been so genuinely friendly and open to us old folks. Chris gave another killer speech. I wondered if he was going to re-use his "When Celia was 10" hook, but no Tanya and Aaron got a fresh and new spin. I really think this could be second career for Chris whenever he's ready. The art of being a welcoming host with genuine words is no easy thing.

And I got to show up at the party as a guest. I finally finally finally got my hair done after having to cancel many appointments. It meant a trip back to Brookline. Man, how many things have changed

*You can follow their adventure along here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5z0myiRNn4


  1. I was wondering who they were in Chris's FB feed. Chris gives great speeches! Something to look forward to when the kids all start getting married. "Chris gave his best speech at my daughter's wedding". "No, Chris gave the best speech at MY kid's wedding!!!!"

  2. He speaks so well because he thinks deeply about the people he's speaking about. It's what makes Chris so special.


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