Keeping an eye on things

Our hotel room has an amazing view of the marina. Chris is fretting some about the ice building up. Maybe it would be better not to have such a full picture of what's going on. I think though what I've enjoyed most is looking at the parking lot and feeling the relief of not owning a car. Turns out most of the damage the liveaboards have had to contend with has been due to the flooded parking lot. Maybe we will buy a car or a house again one day. But for now let me the enjoy the freedom of liquidity.


  1. "freedom of liquidity" Finally! Mike, our job is done!!!!! :)

  2. Sounds like a pun! Liquidity/Living on the water.

  3. Having less things means less worry, generally. Until you come to some weird point, I suppose, where less things would stir more worry. Being strangely philosophical for some reason. Happy you have no car sitting in ice!!!!


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